Groom Mansformation Challenge

So, you’ve got a wedding coming up.

And maybe (more) than a few pounds to lose.

But, that’s OK, it’s all about how your bride looks, right?


This is your big day, too.

There’s no better time to push for the body of your DREAMS because you’re motivated to put in the work.

Now Is The Time To Lose Those Last Few Stubborn Pounds, Destroy Fat On Your Trouble Spots, and Build Lean Muscle In Six Weeks So You Look F’n Awesome on Your Wedding Day…

Have you ever just looked in the mirror and wondered what MORE should you be doing?

I know I have. And I can tell you from experience, it’s a really awful feeling. And it’s not one I wish on anyone.

Truly, I don’t want you to feel stuck. I don’t want you to hate your body or feel ashamed because of the way you look.

And…perhaps most importantly… I’m just like you.

I really mean that.

You see, I wasn’t always in great shape. In fact, I spent the first two-thirds of my life being in terrible shape. I was basically obese in my early 20s. See the before/after.

But after getting my shit handled and spending 8 years in shape, training people to reach their goal physiques, build confidence and build relationships (and, let’s get serious, helping them get laid more), I fell back into old habits after getting engaged in May 2013.


A combination of age, a busy work schedule, more time spent on my client’s programs than my own, and a new-found love of watching reality TV with the wife-to-be left me staring at 30 with a little too much fat for my liking.

And I had a wedding fast approaching.

To make matters worse, my wedding was of the destination kind (on a beach in Mexico) so I couldn’t exactly cover up.
I was desperate to turn things around, get back in shape and look my best for our big day.

The six week intensive program that dropped my body fat to 10% was intense, but it worked, and now any time I have a time sensitive goal in mind I go back to the program.

There are THREE elements to the 6 WEEK Groom Mansformation Challenge…

1) Something I call Cinco Sets, designed to train your body to jack up specific fat burning hormones that tear through stubborn fat and boost metabolism for hours after the training session.

2) A painless dietary approach. No one wants to eat 6 meals of chicken and broccoli every day, and in fact calories being equal, that’s an unnecessary way to go about things. Instead, on the Mansformation Challenge, you’ll eat strategically so you can enjoy treats when your body needs them and forego them when it doesn’t.

3) I’m sure you’ve known plenty of people who diet hard for a stretch and then rebound and end up worse off than before. This approach fails every time. And it’s due in part to hormonal environment under chaos. When you starve yourself of calories and micronutrients, your stress hormones go up (cortisol) and the good stuff (think testosterone and GH) plummet. You’ll train in a way that keeps cortisol at bay while optimizing the good stuff – testosterone, baby.

Are You Ready For Your Mansformation?

Yep, there are 5 spots up for grabs in my 6 week Groom Mansformation – 45 days to get your fitness sorted.

For a frame of reference, my per hour rate for in-person training is $80. While online clients pay $399/month for a similar package.

With the Mansformation Challenge, you’re getting 30 workouts, a nutrition program, and all of these bonuses…

  • Health Guide
  • Supplement Guide
  • Bonus 6 Week Diet to follow after completing the program & more!
  • Weekly Skype check-ins
  • Unlimited email support

A $2,600 value all told, for just two payments of $197 or one payment of $325.

Pay In Full (JUST $325) * Save 20%


Pay In Two Installments


My Guaranteeicon_30dmbg_lg

I guarantee results or your money back. Yep, if you’re not satisfied after the completion of the program, I’ll refund you, no questions asked.

In a couple days, the Mansformation window is closing and I’ll have the 5 clients diet, training and supplement protocols in their inbox, so you better apply now, because you won’t see it again for months at this price.

Good Luck,

P.S. Remember, not only will it get you losing fat and building muscle at an accelerated rate, but it will also give you the momentum you desperately need to achieve the body capable of propelling you forward in life so you start the next chapter on the right path. Take it from a guy who’s been there. Life opens up when you get yourself handled.


Before & After - p3“Mitch’s Mansformation Challenge gave me the boost I needed to stop going in circles with my training. I’d always go to extremes and either get too fat or too lean, and end up at square one after rebounding. Taking the challenge helped me find a sustainable, results-based approach that I can do forever and continually make progress.” – Jordan




Mitch got my bodyfat down into the low teens AND I gained pounds of the good kind. It didn’t Before & After - p2require much of a change to my lifestyle, either. If you’ve got a wedding, man up and take on Mitch’s advice. It’ll change your life.





Benefits of Getting Yourself a Coach

  1. Knowledge/Expertise– This is (hopefully) the main reason people hire a coach or trainer. The person you’re hiring has a high level of expertise with the given subject, and can leverage that knowledge to your benefit. In the case of training, you’ll get in better shape, and hopefully learning something.
  2. Extrinsic Motivation– Simply, people work harder and perform better when someone else is helping them. The combination of motivation and intensity always leads to greater progress and better results.
  3. Accountability– By FAR, this is the greatest benefit of coaching. If you know someone is counting on you, you show up. Both physically, and metaphorically. Hiring a coach gives you multiple types of accountability. Let’s look at fitness coaching—if you hire a trainer, you’re paying for it and therefore a LOT more likely to work hard, a lot LESS likely to skip workouts, and in general more prone to taking your program seriously.


Pay In Full (JUST $325) * Save 20%


Pay In Two Installments



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