Raise your hand if you’ve seemingly been trying to lose weight your whole life.
Keep your hand raised if you’ve lost weight before, only to see it creep back time and again.
Now, look around you and see who else has their hand raised. No one.
Because you’re the only one reading this near you. I got you good.
But, good news if you fall in this camp.
You don’t have to diet all the time. In fact, you’ll get better results if you don’t. Let me explain.
I wish it was – truly, I wish you could build the body you wanted in only 6 weeks.
But it’s a lot more fun to go about it the right way and take your time.
I like to mix in periods of rapid fat loss with times you enjoy a lot more food.
(Accounting for inevitable plateaus along the way…)
When you do it right, you can have the body you have always dreamed about, just like Bill “Train” Neitring here.
A little over a year ago, Train here shot me an email, and the two of us chatted.
You see, the Train on the left wasn’t very happy with his weight at over 260 pounds.
He woke up one morning and realized if he didn’t do something about it, his future was rather bleak.
But the thing is… Train was pretty typical.
He had tried other programs without a whole lot to show for it.
It took a little convincing, but Train committed to Mansformation Coaching despite the skepticism, having read all the success stories seen here: https://calvertfitness.lpages.co/fit-after-35/
We combined a few simple and effective strategies
✔️ Train ate more calories and carbs when he trained, and less when he didn’t, sometimes implementing fasting.
✔️ Train lifted weights 3 times per week for about 45 minutes per session, no more, at least to start.
He plugged away for about 4-5 months with me, progressively building the habits to make this a permanent change, losing pounds along the way.
And he did admit having a coach in the mix helped ease his mind when it felt like nothing was happening later in the process.
But you see…and THIS IS WHERE THE MAGIC HAPPENS… he had put in the effort and got inspired by his progress, thus creating the motivation to continue the effort.
Do you get it? Motivation is a by-product of doing the work. Don’t wait for motivation or you’ll be waiting a long time.
He just kept going because it wasn’t that hard to keep going (most programs aren’t built for the long game, so you fall back into old habits and regain the weight within a few months…)
✔️ He kept using what he learned, kept applying the strategies to his life, and he kept training consistently after leaving my nest.
✔️ You see, with the Mansformation program, Train was able to simplify his fitness.
He started to know EXACTLY what he should focus on, and most importantly, he finally realized what didn’t really matter!
And the proof is in the ‘magic’ one year transformation pic you see above, now sitting at a much leaner and more muscular 210 pounds (50 pounds of fat gone, probably more, as muscle was added!)
And THIS is what you’re REALLY getting.
A blueprint for LIFE.
You’re not getting a PDF with a canned crash diet to download and collect dust on your lap top……..
You will get the principles that will keep you lean and healthy for life – with the daily coaching you need to implement them – so you have the tools to sustain your success.
And Train?
Train on the right – months after his Mansformation, still lean, still strong, still healthy – and a full 50 pounds lighter.
✔️ All without a restrictive diet.
✔️ All without cardio.
✔️ All without killing himself in the gym.
✔️ All without supplements, expensive shakes, and woo-woo pills and powders.
My coaching has been the catalyst for hundreds of people out there – who have finally learned how “fitness works” and are able to keep crushing it and living life to the fullest.
Are you ready to get started on your own transformation? Click below to get details…
When you’re ready, here’s how Mitch can help you:
>> Guys: Apply for Mansformation
>> Gals: Apply for Momsformation – Drop 2 Dress Sizes