A friend sent me a link to an article outlining two-time Crossfit Games champion Rich Froning’s routine. You can read about it here, but if you want the cliff notes version, here it is summed up in a paragraph: Froning employs the KISS method (Keep It Simple, Stupid). What does that mean exactly? He shies away from supplements, doesn’t buy into the overtraining myth or any particular diet strategy, and instead just gets it done. Lift hard in the gym, makes sure his food intake is enough to match his expenditure and sleeps well. Simple.
In the information age in which we live, it’s very easy to fall into the ‘paralysis by analysis’ trap, jumping from one diet or exercise program to the next depending on what’s the flavour of the month.
Reading studies and buying into the latest guru’s “extreme fat loss” diet is hard to avoid, sure. There are a lot of marketers online trying to impart the secret on you for financial gain, but the reality is you know your body best and need to determine what works best for it.
Remember to focus on the basics, assess your progress for yourself and make changes to better suit your goals along the way. In the long run, your overall approach could be the difference between you hitting your goals, or missing them by a wide margin.
Always strive to get better and learn from others, there are people out there who know more than you do- maybe in experience (gym rat for 30 years) or in knowledge (scientist). I’m all for maintaining an open mind and being open to change, but be ever-skeptical and assess these “proven” methods for yourself before joining the gospel.
There is no one universal right way to exercise or diet, it’s evolving every day, just make sure you’re focusing on what’s working for you and the pieces will fall into place.
Now just get it done.