My weekly motivational post didn’t auto-publish yesterday like I had hoped, but Tuesday Motivation doesn’t have the same ring to it so you’ll have to work with me here. This is another great Ralph Marston quote posted by Renew at professionalmuscle.
Great progress
The obstacle is not the problem. The problem is when you let it stop you.
When there is one path that is blocked, most likely there are dozens of other routes available. You can choose to make excuses, or you can choose to make use of your imagination and your ability to innovate.
Don’t focus on what’s stopping you. Put your focus on the eventual reward that’s compelling you to move forward.
You’ve already come a very long way, and it certainly hasn’t been in a challenge-free environment. Even though there are more challenges now, you are most certainly capable of continuing to make great progress.
Giving up might seem like the easiest thing to do right now. Yet if you give up, after this brief moment is over you’ll continue paying the price with never-ending regret.
Choose instead to do what you do best. Commit to make great progress, no matter what, and in each moment you’ll find a way.
— Ralph Marston