Is Getting In Shape Truly Important To You?

“I don’t have time to get in shape or the money to do it”

Is the statement that prompted this blog post…

It was from someone who wanted free training
advice without any effort or commitment on his part.

I’m not angry at all.

I’m happy to give out advice if it helps someone,
but I could tell it wasn’t going to be acted upon.

I DO understand.. I really do. I was there once.

But, I changed my story.

Because of the “story” he’s telling himself..

he’s never going to get results.

Until the desire to change becomes greater than the
desire to stay the same, nothing happens.

Without forward movement and progress, nothing changes.

As Seth Godin says, “Better means change and change means risk and risk means fear.”


Change is hardest in the beginning.

But this gentleman is not willing to try.

See, what he’s really saying is:

“I’m not willing to invest in myself or put in the work to see results”

Getting your life sorted starts with mastering
your own body. That’s your calling card.

When you are in shape, you’re a walking billboard of proof that
you have your shit figured out, have a strong work ethic and know how
to get things done.

If you don’t have yourself figured out, how can
anyone expect you to help them (in business, relationships
or otherwise?)

If you aren’t committed to getting your body sorted, how
can you expect success in other areas?

I was the 240 lb prep cook who once thought
that was my life and there was no way out.

But I was wrong. I was the answer to my problem.

Fear was holding me back from taking a step forward.


Once I figured out how to go from A to B (and it started
with me), it was extremely rewarding to see progress.

It wasn’t until I invested in improving my physique,
enlisted a few coaches along the way who I aspired
to become, and got an education in fitness
(practical and institutional) that things came together.

Fast forward 13 years, and I now help you find the
error of your ways. Often, this means simple solutions
that fit your lifestyle, with advanced strategies sprinkled
in as icing on the cake.

By the way, I’m opening up a few spots in my SIX WEEK Mansformation. This is for guys who wants results fast
with some time sensitive goal in mind (Sorry, ladies, I’m
working on a similar program for you… you can email me
to get on the list for that).

Apply for your 6 Week Mansformation and get the beach body
primed and ready for July 1 (baby oil not included).

But, I warn you, this is NOT for everyone. 6 weeks is a short window
of time, and you’re going to have to bust your butt. Half milers need not
apply. Apply with caution.

Until next time,

Helping You Get F’n Sexy (1,266% more effective than Axe Body Spray)
Author, Endomorph Evolution
Gym Bro Captain, Calvert Fitness

There are countless ways to get in shape, but before you bother digging too deep, first answer this: “do you want to get in shape more than stay the same?”  Agree or disagree? Share your thoughts in the comments, hombre.

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Mitch Calvert is a Winnipeg-based fitness coach for men and women like his former self. Heavyset in his 20s, he lost 60 pounds and now helps clients find their spark and lose the weight for life.