The following is a guest post from Mark Miller, who blogs over at, a site for everything related to men’s lifestyle – from exercise, to cars, gadgets and careers.
By Mark Miller
I’ve never been into heavy lifting or one for making time to go to the gym, but fitness and keeping lean is still important to me. Running twice a week used to be the extent of my exercise, until a friend introduced me to Freeletics a couple of years ago.
Freeletics is a well-rounded, high intensity workout plan that doesn’t require any machines or equipment. It relies on body weight resistance instead, meaning you can do your Freeletics routines anywhere, anytime. Perfect for me.
There are different routines already planned out, so depending on your current level of fitness you can find a routine that pushes you hard enough. I’m sure most readers here will be aware of most, if not all of the exercises. But having them laid out in a workout plan tailored to your fitness level makes all the difference.
There’s a huge community online where you will find all the resources, and you can compare and discuss your results and work plans with others. Here are the main aspects of Freeletics;
The Three Main Aspects of Freeletics
Workout Plans
There are set workout plans that have to be carried out in the given time and order as set out. Each workout has been specially designed to target different muscle groups.
Workouts are great for building up strength and muscle mass, as well as helping you achieve that lean physique you’re probably after. A lot of the workouts will seem incredibly difficult at first, but with practice become a lot easier.
Exercise Routines
You have to perform a different number of reps for each movement in the exercise routine. These routines can vary from high repetition and low resistance, to low repetition and high resistance.
Exercises are designed to increase speed, work your cardio, and improve your all round conditioning. The best thing is that you can do most of these exercises anywhere as there is not usually any equipment.
As part of a well-rounded Freeletics system you will going on runs. These will vary from short, faster runs, to longer runs. You will be given enough training to build up your running distances.
Once you’re covering good ground you will notice a marked improvement in your fitness. Running can be fun too, put some good music and the time flies.
The Benefits of Freeletics over Other Training Programs
No Machines or Equipment
As mentioned earlier there is no equipment at all, you can still push yourself incredibly hard with just your bodyweight. Burpees, push-ups, squats, these are all staple exercises that are incredibly difficult in numbers, and when you’re physically exhausted.
It’s Free to Get Started
No need for expensive gym memberships, Freeletics is free to get started with. You can find all the workout plans and resources you need online.
You Can Train Anywhere
If you have a busy schedule Freeletics will be perfect for you. You can train at home, at your local park, during your lunch break at work – anywhere, anytime, it’s up to you.
It’s Suitable for All Levels of Fitness
Because the workouts and the amount of reps are tailors for everyone individually you can be sure you’re pushing yourself to your limit, regardless of your current fitness level.
You can also spend more time on those muscle groups you want to develop, or on cardio if it’s your overall fitness you want to work on. I think it’s a lot more interesting than doing a few sets and reps at the gym, but that’s just my opinion.
If Freeletics is completely new to you I recommend downloading an app and trying out some beginner routines. If you already have a solid workout plan, why not try adding some Freeletics workouts – I think you will be surprised just how challenging it can be.
Mark Miller blogs over at, where he shares his insight and experiences with everything related to men’s lifestyle – from exercise, to cars, gadgets and careers.