Calvert Fitness Mansformer Spotlight – Paul

Note from Mitch: Paul was a tough nut to crack. He had inquired about my program a full year prior to joining, and actually had ghosted me the previous time. I was skeptical he’d see it through, but everyone takes their own path to seeking help. Paul was in a position to commit to this program and his results speak for themselves.

Take it away, Paul…

Tell us about you in 5 sentences or less. Where you from? Are you a parent? Hobbies? 

I am from Edmonton originally and now live in Calgary. I am a father of 4 kids. My hobbies are sports and being a dad.

What led you to team up with Mitch and Calvert Fitness? 

I needed someone to help put a plan in action.

What dieting experience did you try previously to Calvert Fitness? Was there a reason you stopped? 

I tried just eating healthy and staying active. I stopped because I couldn’t get over the hump and needed something to give me the extra push.

How much weight did you lose working with Mitch? 

18lbs in 5 weeks. I imagine I will finish the 6 week program at roughly 20 pounds.

How did your waist measurements change working with Mitch? 

My waist is a lot smaller. About 4 inches

What were 3 non-scale victories you experienced working with Mitch (compliments, pants fitting etc.) 

First victory was very rare heartburn and increased energy.

The second victory is my measurements. My waist is smaller, my legs are leaner, the double chin is smaller, the arms are bigger, the man titties went down a cup size and my back fat and love handles are disappearing.

The third and most important victory is my mind. You spend 6 weeks on a challenge and you see tangible results. I realized that I would rather eat leaner and take a strategic approach to eating everyday.

It’s clear Calvert Fitness worked for you. Why do you think it worked when other diets may not have? 

Mitch takes a realistic approach. He allows a little bit of flexibility in eating and exercise and the approach is you eat the elephant one bite at a time and not trying to eat it whole. People want instant results and it doesn’t quite work that way.

What were your eating habits like BEFORE joining Calvert Fitness? 

My eating habits were very poor. I would eat what I want when I want without really knowing what and how much you were putting into your body.

Now that you’ve joined Calvert Fitness, how have your eating habits changed? 

I have become very aware of my eating habits and have become a strategic eater. My portions have changed, and what I eat is leaner and healthier.

If someone is thinking of joining up with Mitch, what would you tell them?

I give Mitch props. He takes a very good approach to getting you moving in the right direction. I will recommend Mitch and his program to anyone.

PS – When you’re ready, here’s how Mitch can help you:

1) Take the free Man Up Diet Bet Challenge (opens on Facebook Messenger)

2) Apply for the 6 Weeks to Super Dad Challenge

3) Apply for Fit Mom Makeover


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Mitch Calvert is a Winnipeg-based fitness coach for men and women like his former self. Heavyset in his 20s, he lost 60 pounds and now helps clients find their spark and lose the weight for life.