I want to e-introduce you to Susan.
She read my story in the newspaper this summer. Initially, she thought I’d be the guy to help her adult son out of his struggles with weight loss.
But something in the article resonated with her.
She was about to get remarried and had some short-term motivation, but also knew the positive correlation between fitness and her mental and physical health.
I will be the first to admit weight loss for women north of 50 is the hardest of any group to achieve, aside from those with medical conditions.
But she’s persistent and clearly has the internal drive to see it through. Here is her story.
Tell us about you in 5 sentences or less. Where you from? Are you a parent? Hobbies?
I’m a 55 year old grandmother. Professional pilot who loves to travel and ride my bicycle and motorcycle with my husband.
What led you to team up with Mitch and Calvert Fitness?
I saw an article in the newspaper about Mitch and liked his interview.
What dieting experience did you try previous to Calvert Fitness? Was there a reason you stopped?
I tried many diets and fitness programs but was not able to reach my goals, got frustrated and quit after a few months.
It’s clear Calvert Fitness worked for you. Why do you think it worked when other diets may not have?
Mitch taught me how to not diet but to keep track of what I have eaten and to eat healthy. It really wasn’t a diet. Also, to be patient and keep moving forward.
What were your eating habits like BEFORE joining Calvert Fitness?
I ate a lot of junk and snack foods in the evenings . I rarely ate breakfast.
Now that you’ve joined Calvert Fitness, how have your eating habits changed?
Yes, much more fruits and vegetables and protein.
How much weight did you lose working with Mitch?
10 lbs
What were 3 non-scale victories you experienced working with Mitch (compliments, pants fitting etc.)
My pilot uniform is getting too big, need a smaller size.
If someone is thinking of joining up with Mitch, what would you tell them?
I am trying to get my son to join Calvert fitness because he is a perfect client for Mitch and I think he would really help him lose the 40 pounds he needs to lose.
PS – When you’re ready, here’s how Mitch can help you:
1) Apply for the 6 Weeks to Super Dad Challenge
2) Apply for Fit Mom Makeover