So you’ve tried getting in shape before and failed. Miserably.
We’ve all been there.
You start out on a Monday (of course) with the best of intentions, but by Thursday you’re eyeing up every off limits food in sight and finding any excuse to avoid that scheduled visit with the trainer.
What gives?
Why does it seem so hard to stick to a diet and exercise program?
Here are four mindset shifts to set yourself up for success.
1. Start With WHY
The promise of better health in the future isn’t enough to keep people motivated.
One study reviewed why people start exercising. 75 percent of the participants cited weight loss as a top reason, while 25 percent said to enhance the quality of their lives. The first group spent the least amount of time exercising, up to 32 percent less than the group that was in it for “deeper” reasons than vanity weight loss.
You need to find your true motivation to change.
Maybe you want to be the best version of yourself for your spouse and children, and getting in shape will help?
Do you have confidence issues related to your weight?
Maybe your weight is causing sleep apnea and you’re tired and lethargic throughout the day, affecting your job and quality of life?
If you’re exercising to please someone else, or to fit the mold of society’s expectations of someone your age, this will only lead to failure.
But someone who exercises because it helps them sleep better and be more productive is more likely to do it even on the tough days, because it’s having a positive impact on the other 23 hours of your day.
Take my client, Jordan. You can see his 50 lb physical transformation below, which is awesome over a few months. But what’s even more incredible was his positive mental shift. See, for a major portion of his life, Jordan was overweight, just like I was. He wasn’t happy with how he looked and he knew it would create health concerns down the road…but for a long time he was self sabotaging his efforts to get in shape in a vicious cycle of failed attempts.
One day Jordan decided enough was enough and enlisted my services. He put in the work – but the added accountability from a coach helped him see it through.

Mitch created a custom meal and exercise plan based on my body and goals. He provided answers to all the questions I threw at him and tweaked my program as the weeks went on to keep getting results.
Mitch provided the support system and knowledge base that I had been lacking in my past weight loss attempts and because of that I was able to stay on track. I am now confident and committed to a permanent lifestyle change and I have Mitch to thank for getting me started down that road.
– Jordan R.
But, most importantly, he was ready to make a change.
And with the right strategies to keep him moving forward, he was unstoppable.
2. Reframe How You View Exercise
What does exercise mean to you? “Hard work” “effort” “sweat and pain” etc. most likely? These associations are preventing you from succeeding.
If you’ve tried in the past and failed, that negative association of failure is preventing you from getting started again, too.
Develop a strategy that’ll turn exercise from a chore to a source of enjoyment. Turn it from a daily chore to a daily gift.
To start with, find an exercise you enjoy (play a sport), walk the dog, take a bike ride etc. Anything you can do consistently and seek enjoyment from.
Take Jean Claude Van Damme, for example… (lol)
Baby steps in the early going will move you forward. Everything counts. You don’t need to start with hour-long workouts right out of the gates.
3. Plan For Roadblocks
Have a long term goal, by all means, but don’t aim to reach it overnight.
Once you know your triggers, set out a plan to deal with them slowly but surely.
“If Trigger A occurs, then I’ll simply do X, Y or Z”
Setting up scenarios will help you blow past potential obstacles in your path.
Take quitting smoking, for example.
Let’s say your plan starts by signing up for a quit-smoking program. One challenge you can prepare for is when a co-worker approaches you to go out for a cigarette. Write down your plan of attack when this happens: “I’ll simply decline and go for a short walk around the block instead”
Even if you cave, it’s not the end. Setbacks are a part of the journey. Relax, dust yourself off and get back on the horse.
Just as one day of bad eating doesn’t derail your weight loss – it’s the big picture that matters. Remember that and you’ll be less likely to quit at the first sign of trouble.
4. Give Yourself Permission
Give yourself permission to look after yourself. Self-care is vital.
Focus on making exercise something you do for yourself.
For example, exercise helps you become a better person, husband, parent, professional, community member or friend. Focus on WHY you started and give yourself permission to continually work at it.
This is often what holds so many parents back — putting their kids’ and partner’s self-care above their own. But by taking care of yourself, you’re helping them, too.
1. Find your TRUE motivation.
2. Swap negative associations with positive ones, stop seeing exercise as a chore but a vehicle to the new, vibrant, healthy you.
3. To stick to your routine, plan ahead for potential challenges where your motivation will wain. But even if you suffer failures, never stop learning from your mistakes. Small steps forward compound over time.
4. Give yourself permission to get healthy, not only for yourself but for your loved ones, too.