10 Rules of Fat Loss

Fear of failure guarantees failure more than trying ever did. EVER.

I would not be where I am had I not tried. Tried jogging. Tried going to the gym. Tried eating right.

All that trying led to doing which led to success

It was not a straight line to success, but one with peaks and valleys that trended upwards over time. Progress.

Had I quit that day 13 years ago when I loaded up 185 lbs on the bench press and flattened myself with it (luckily a more experienced gym patron was there to pull it off my neck… talk about ego flattening)… I wouldn’t have all that I have.

The gym opened up so many doors for me beyond the body and confidence. In career, family and so on. I have it to thank for the person I am today.

If you have tried to lose weight before and failed, it doesn’t mean you’ll fail again the next time. In fact, you’ll have learned from your past failures and be better off for it.

Here are 10 starting rules of fat loss… stick to these as a general rule of thumb and I guarantee progress. Which is what this is ALL about, after all. 

  1. Eat lean protein in every meal
  2. Eat 3-5 servings of green vegetables per day
  3. Eat a moderate amount of healthy fats (olive or coconut oil, fish, nuts, avocado)
  4. Eat enough carbs for your goals (less so for fat loss)
  5. Eliminate liquid calories (drink only water, diet drinks, coffee or tea)
  6. Eat slowly (each bite 15-20 times)
  7. Get 7-9 hours of uninterrupted sleep (easier said than done but important to try)
  8. Do something fun on a daily basis and minimize stress
  9. Do some type of exercise daily (ANYTHING)
  10. Smile. Fo serious.
  11. Download the 50 Lbs Diet FREE
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Mitch Calvert is a Winnipeg-based fitness coach for men and women like his former self. Heavyset in his 20s, he lost 60 pounds and now helps clients find their spark and lose the weight for life.